West Gallery Music Association
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WGMA Website Update History

March, 2021

    South West Quires' Day has been CANCELLED for this month but the usual venue has been rebooked for 2nd October, 2021 - see Calendar page

    West Gallery ZOOM Spring Sing - The Chiltern West Gallery Quire invite you to a Zoom Sing on Saturday, 10th April, 2021 - see Calendar page

    Mid-Shires' Quires' Day ZOOM Sing - Immanuel's Ground Quire invite you to a Zoom Sing on Saturday, 24th April, 2021 - see Calendar page

    Parson Woodforde's Diaries - An article by Alan Seymour from our Newsletter in 2006 now online
    - see under Literary References

    Another WGMA Zoom Sing-along! Sat April 17th - see Calendar page

    Article on William Knapp updated HERE

December, 2020

    30th ANNIVERSARY MEETING - About 100 members of the WGMA met on Zoom on 30th December and sang and played along with recordings made at the 20th anniversary meeting in Ironbridge in May 2010. The entire meeting, lasting about 1hour 45minutes, was recorded and was available on YouTube but was removed on 8th January. It provided a good opportunity for WGMA members and friends to listen to the recordings made ten years ago and perhaps see many familiar faces from West Gallery choirs all over the country. Our chairman, Mike Bailey, was MC for the occasion and was ably supported by Christina Pritchard(co-host) and John (co-host) & Christine Burke; Charlotte Bailey did all the admin. The Zoom facilities were provided by Diane Kingston.

    PS: Copies of the "Gold Book" - "Let our Joys be Known", containing the music in score and information about the WG Quires who contributed examples of their music to it, are available for purchase - more details HERE

    NEW BOOK - Music-making in the Hertfordshire Parish, 1760–1870
    by Maggie Kilbey
    More details can be found HERE

March, 2020

    The WGMA Autumn Singing Weekend at Retford
    Sorry - CANCELLED due to Covid restrictions

March, 2020

    Events are being Cancelled due to concerns about the coronavirus pandemic
    Please check the Calendar webpage HERE

March 16th, 2020

March 16th, 2020

    A Booking Form for the Autumn Singing Weekend in Retford in November
    can now be downloaded from HERE
    More details for this event can be found HERE

January 2020

    PLEASE NOTE that the WGMA's Discussion Form, which has been out of action for a short while, has been found a new home HERE
    Unfortunately old forum members will need to reapply to become "subscribers", although no payment is required.

    Adance Notice of WGMA's Autumn Singing Weekend - more details HERE

December 2019

    WGMA Spring Meeting 16-17th May 2020; details and Booking Form available from HERE

November 2019

    Axminster & District Choral Society: Concert of West Gallery Carols on 14th December - Details HERE

September 2019

    Adance Notice of WGMA's Spring Event and AGM - more details HERE

May 2019

    Don't forget the WGMA's Singing Day and AGM - more details HERE
    There you can also find a Copy of the Trustees Annual Report for 2018.

April 2019

    NEW BOOK - The Divine Companion Henry Playford’s 1722 Compilation of One, Two, and Three Part Music.
    Edited for modern choirs by Francis Roads. More details HERE

March 2019

    Norfolk West Gallery Quire Workshop Day in Wymondham. Booking form now available HERE

February 2019

    Samuel Wakely Revisited - additional notes on this Dorset composer HERE.

    Sidmouth Autumn Weekend is now FULLY BOOKED. A waiting list has been started.

December 2018

    NEW CD - A Different Lore : Gladly Solemn Sound. More details HERE.

November 2018

    WGMA Autumn Seaside Singing Weekend - to be held in November, 2019 at Sidmouth, Devon. Flyer with details and a Booking Form can be found HERE

    SouthWest Quires' Day, March 2019 - booking form available HERE.

October 2018

    London Gallery Quire Open Rehearsal - Wednesday 14th November - More information HERE

May 2018

    WGMA Research Group Meeting - Details of next meeting's date and venue HERE

March 2018

    Workshop Booking Form and AGM Papers now downloadable from HERE

February 2018

    The FIRST Annual General Meeting of the WGMA as a registered charity will take place on Saturday, 12th May, 2018 during a one-day West Gallery workshop hosted by the Amber Valley Quire. The venue will be the Royal School for the Deaf, Derby, DE22 3BH.

    Full details of how to book for this free workshop event will be included in the Spring edition of West Gallery newsletter.

    NEW Reminiscences of "An Old Chorister" - Daniel Burton, an Oxfordshire singer and cellist - added to the Literary Resources HERE.

January 2018

    SAD NEWS - Rollo Woods died on 29th January.
    There will be a Thanksgiving Service on Friday 9th February at 12noon in Swanage URC.
    You can read a tribute from his grandson on Facebook HERE

December 2017

    NEW CD - A Cheerful Noise : London Gallery Quire. More details HERE.

    NEW painting added to the Art Gallery HERE.

October 2017

    Sussex Harmony celebrate their 25th anniversary. Article HERE.

August 2017

    Three Quires' Day no.50, October 2017 - booking form available.

July 2017

    WGMA Autumn Weekend, October 2017 - booking form available.

June 2017

April 2017

    Good Singing Still, Second edition, now available. More information HERE.

March 2017

    WGMA Spring Weekend, April 2017, has been CANCELLED.

December 2016

    WGMA Spring Weekend, April 2017 - booking form.

    Sing Warwick!, February 2017 - details and booking form.

November 2016

    Madding Crowd House Party, Febuary 2017 - more details with a booking form.

October 2016

    Research Meeting no.5, January 2017 - more details.

August 2016

      Let Our Joys Be Known (The "Gold Book") NOW REPRINTED - more details HERE

July 2016

June 2016

      Booking Form for the WGMA Autumn Weekend at Portland, Dorset, now available.

February 2016

      Details of and links to facsimiles of music collections pubished by John Smith of Lavington, Wiltshire - HERE

      Booking Forms for Three Quires' Day at Lewes.

January 2016

      Booking Form for the WGMA Spring Weekend at Swanwick, Derbyshire.

July 2015

      Details of music, timings, etc, for participants in the Weatherbury Quire "Start the Week" concert at Sidmouth Folk Festival can be found HERE

      Painting of "Halifax Church Choir" (1796) added to WG Art Gallery; is it authentic? See HERE

June 2015

      Booking Form for the WGMA Autumn Weekend at Hoddesdon, Herts.

January 2015

      Booking Forms for Three Quires' Day at Lewes and South-West Quires' Day near Taunton.

December 2014

      Booking Form for the WGMA Spring Weekend at Swanwick now available.

November 2014

      Report on Northern Three Quires' Day at Rivington Unitarian Chapel, near Bolton, Lancashire.

      Facsimle of 1708 edition of New Version of the Psalms with Music - more details with sample pages HERE

September 2014

      Booking Form for the Wessex Carols Day, Dorset.

June 2014

      Booking Form for the WGMA Autumn Weekend in Portland, Dorset.

February 2014

      Researchers - a list of people actively researching West Gallery music HERE

December 2013

      NEW CD - Echoes from the Gallery - Beaminster Gallery Quire; more details HERE

November 2013

      Advanced Notice of Research Meeting - see Calendar Page

      Advanced Notice of WGMA weekends in 2014 - in May and October

August 2013

      Details of FIRST Beckenham West Gallery Singing Day with Flyer and Booking form.

      Details and Booking form for the Wessex Carol Day in November.

July 2013

May 2013

      Reminiscences of an Oxfordshire Singer and cellist, ca.1870 HERE

February 2013

      Booking Form for WGMA Spring Weekend at Swanwick, Derbyshire.

June 2012

      NEW CD - Exalted be our Voice - West Gallery Music from the Heart of England; more details HERE

January 2012

      Reminiscences of Long Preston, Yorkshire, added to the literary references in the Resources section HERE - Thanks to David Welch.

September 2011

      Reminiscences of Ingleton, Yorkshire, added to the literary references in the Resources section HERE - Thanks to Paul Guppy.

June 2011

    The booking form for the next WGMA weekend at Taunton may be downloaded.

May 2011

    Music can be downloaded for the WGMA weekend at Shifnal.

March 2011

January 2011

      More 'Contemporary' literary references added to the Resources section HERE - Thanks to Francis Roads.

November 2010

      Makeover of site; new colour sheme; all pages now open in master page; improved navigation between Resource pages; Praise & Glory page moved HERE

January 2010

      A re-organisation of the site, chiefly renaming of files and folders - you may need to check your bookmarks. Please advise webmaster of any dead links.

      More literary references from American sources HERE

      A new page of contemporary paintings and engravings of West Gallery choirs, both singers and instrumentalists HERE

November 2009

      A host of references to WG music in early to mid-19th century Newspapers, kindly supplied by Fyn Titford-Mock.
    Find out what the papers say HERE

October 2009

October 2009

      Music for WGMA weekend at Kington, Herefordshire, October 2009, was posted.

September 2009

      Your Voices Raise - West Gallery favourites from the repertoire of London Gallery Quire. See details HERE

July 2009

      Never on Sunday - Marches, Dances, Song Tunes and Party Pieces. See details HERE

May 2009

      BOOK RE-ISSUED West Gallery Harmony - Carols & Celebrations Second Edition. See details HERE

January 2009

WGMA Members: Voting on the Constitution change

    204 votes cast (as at 29 Jan) = 46.9% of the membership.
    Nobody has voted against. We need 75% to carry ie ca.another 100
    Please send in your votes. There is no time limit.
    Lost the voting slip? Send any piece of paper with a vote for/against, name in capitals, and signature.

November 2008

      NEW DVD from Purbeck Village Quire - details HERE

      New literary quotes added to Resources Pages HERE

October 2008

      Music for WGMA weekend at London Colney, October 2008, made available.

May 2008

      Music for WGMA weekend at Ironbridge, May 2008, made available.

September 2007

      NEW CHOIR started in Bristol in September - see Bristol Harmony on Quires page for details.

June 2007

      NEW CD "Praise ye the Lord" from "London Gallery Quire" - click HERE for details.

March 2007

February 2007

      MP3 files added to Resources pages - from CDs by "Purbeck Village Quire" - click HERE for details.

December 2006

      NEW CD "Christmas in Purbeck" from "Purbeck Village Quire" - click HERE for details.

December 2006

November 2006

October 2006

September 2006

      Pictures added of Church Tours from various parts of the country. Go to Pictures page.

June 2006

April 2006

March 2006

February 2006

    Index to music files on this website added. Link HERE (also link from Resources page)

January 2006

    Booking form and details for May WGMA weekend at Bishops Cleeve, Gloucestershire added.

December 2005

November 2005

      MP3 files added to Resources pages - from CDs by Gladly Solemn Sound, Madding Crowd and Vital Spark.

October 2005

      New Articles added:

      Rules for Singers and Uriah Davenport and the Psalm Singers of Rushton, Staffordshire
      Image and music files added to article The Musicians of Rossendale
      Reports on a Trafalgar Day Concert in 2000 and Rollo Woods' 80th Birthday.

      Gallery of Pictures from the WGMA weekend meeting at Ironbridge including music files.

      New Articles added: Reports on Jane Austen Fayre and Mid-Shires Quires' Day

September 2005

A makeover of the site with some sections rearranged as follows:

      Details of the Association moved to a new 'About Us' page.

      Rules of the Association moved from 'Articles' page and linked to the 'About Us' page.

      Pictures collected together in a 'Picture Gallery' page.

      Choir details have been reduced to brief descriptions and contact details as an increasing number of choirs have their own websites - links are given where known.

      The WGMA discussion forum and the WGMA mailing list details have been moved to the 'Links' page

      The Index to West Gallery, the quarterly Newsletter has been updated to issue no.35 (Autumn 2005) and can be accessed from the 'Publications' page.

      Organisations page has been subsumed into the 'Links' Page.

      Village Carols now has its own domain name and can be found HERE

      Articles - New articles have been added - William Knapp and Rev David Everard Ford. More articles to follow.

      The resources pages from Tony Singleton's website have been included in this site under 'Resources'.
    These include books about the West Galley Period, anthologies of music, and recordings, as well a selection of literary references to the subject.

      The inclusion of this page which will be updated whenever significant change occurs.


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