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Workshop Leaders

The following WGMA members are some of the experienced leaders who are available to lead workshops around the country.


    Contact email
    Experience: Singing and playing West Gallery music since 1992.
    Special Interests: Main interest is non-conformist music of the West Gallery period.
    Activities Offered: Workshop linked to either services or concerts; lectures; concerts with Bedford Gallery Quire.
    Fees/Expenses: Workshops and services are offered on an expenses only basis. Concerts with Bedford Gallery Quire are charged on a sliding scale, depending on nature of event.
    Other Information: Musical Director of Bedford Gallery Quire.

Mike Bailey: HAMPSHIRE

    Contact email
    Experience: Research and performance since 1977
    Special Interests: Wide
    Activities Offered: Workshops, often leading to services; lectures; editing
    Fees/Expenses: Music at cost, reasonable travel expenses, no fee
    Other Information: Leads 'The Madding Crowd'

Sally Drage: CHESHIRE

    Contact: email
    Experience: Research and performance since 1990, general experience of choirs
    Special Interests: Northern / Midlands music; non-conformist / Anglican practice
    Activities Offered: Lectures; workshops; services
    Fees/Expenses: £0 upwards - very negotiable
    Other Information: Professional musician, specially interested in performance practice


    Contact email
    Experience: Varied singing styles, mainly in choirs; leading WG and male voice choirs;
    research, generally focused on a specific location, or manuscript.
    Special Interest: Links between US and UK.
    Activities offered: Workshops.
    Fees/Expenses: Expenses if possible.
    Other information: Leads 'Joyful Noise'.


    Contact email
    Experience: Performance and research
    Special Interests: 'Georgian Psalmody' aspect of West Gallery music; northern music
    Activities Offered: Workshops, services
    Fees/Expenses: Expenses, hospitality appreciated if needed
    Other Information: Long experience of conventional church / cathedral music

Edmund Gooch: DERBYSHIRE

    Contact email
    Experience: Research since 1999, leading local workshops, conducting
    Special Interests: Midlands and North West West Gallery music, composers - Fawcett, Leach etc
    Activities Offered: Workshops, with or without subsequent services or concerts
    Fees/Expenses: Expenses - negotiable
    Other Information: Light 18th century instrumental music associated with psalmody repertoire


    Contact email
    Experience: Research and performance since 1992
    Special Interests: Music from North West England
    Activities Offered: Workshops
    Fees/Expenses: Expenses and negotiable fee
    Other Information: Leads 'Gladly Solemn Sound'

Chris Gutteridge: NORFOLK.

    Contact email
    Experience: WGMA member since 1998
    Special Interests: Norfolk music
    Activities Offered: Workshops
    Fees/Expenses: Negotiable

Edwin and Sheila Macadam offer individual or combined workshops:
Edwin Macadam: OXFORDSHIRE

    Contact email
    Experience: Research and performance since 1992
    Special Interests: Music from Central England and Sussex
    Activities Offered: Workshops, services, community events
    Fees/Expenses: Expenses only, music provided at cost, negotiable fees where Immanuel's Ground are included
    Other Information: leads 'Immanuel's Ground' (Warwick), co-founder 'Sussex Harmony'. Editorial revision and setting of WGMA psalter, Praise & Glory, Oxford, 2000

Sheila Macadam: OXFORDSHIRE

    Contact email
    Experience: Research, performance and recordings since 1993
    Special Interests: Exchange of English and American psalmody
    Activities Offered: Illustrated lectures and workshops
    Fees/Expenses: Expenses only, music provided at cost
    Other Information: Extensive experience of New England psalmody. Editorial revision and biographical research for WGMA psalter, Praise & Glory, Oxford, 2000

Francis Roads: LONDON

    Contact email
    Experience: Research and performance since 1995
    Special Interests: Manx music; editing; West Gallery Music for non-specialist choirs
    Activities Offered: Lectures, workshops, services, concerts
    Fees/Expenses: Expenses, fee where appropriate
    Other Information: Leads 'London Gallery Quire'


    Contact email
    Experience: Research and performance since 1990
    Special Interests: Baptist chapel music in 'Larks of Dean' manuscript collection, Rossendale, Lancs
    Activities Offered: Participatory workshops on music from 'Larks of Dean' collection; lecture recitals with Larks of Dean Quire
    Fees/Expenses: Reasonable out of pocket expenses; music provided at cost.
    Fee: Negotiable if Larks of Dean Quire involved.
    Other Information: Leads 'Larks of Dean Quire'

Gillian Warson: OXFORDSHIRE

    Contact email
    Experience: Researching, singing, playing and directing West Gallery music since 1992.
    Special Interests: Main interest is both Non-conformist and Anglican music of the period as well as related secular music. I have a particular interest in the contribution of women and children.
    Activities Offered: Workshop linked to either services or concerts; lectures; concerts with Immanuel's Ground Quire.
    Fees/Expenses: Workshops and services are offered based on a negotiable fee and expenses. Concerts with Immanuel's Ground Quire are charged on a sliding scale, depending on nature of event.
    Other Information: Musical Director of Immanuel's Ground Quire and other scratch groups. Also Tenants of the Earth - a group comprising the musicians of IGQ.


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