West Gallery Music Association
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About Us

As a voluntary group with no political, religious or other persuasion, the objectives of the Association are to study, preserve, perform, teach and enjoy the sacred and secular music and song of west gallery and allied traditions, together with their settings within a social and historical context.

In support of these objectives the Association presently:

    Holds musical events which combine workshop, study, performance and social elements

    Publishes music and other research material of an educational or related nature

    Shares information on west gallery material, including copies of published and unpublished works, always respecting copyrights

    Acts as a clearing house for musical, historical and cultural queries

    Makes sound recordings

    Holds a register of leaders who are willing to run workshops

    Is compiling a register of researchers, who are happy to answer research enquiries.

    Maintains websites

    Supports and encourages local quires

    Provides members with a newsletter four times a year

    Provides members with a regularly updated directory of members and local quires


Administrative Matters:
You can read documents relating to the administration of the WGMA by following these links:



Membership of the Association is open to all by annual subscription as follows:
tick   Individual Standard Membership£10.00
tick   Individual Concessionary Membership
( OAP / full-time student )
£ 8.00
tick   Joint Standard Membership
( two persons at same address )
tick   Joint Concessionary Membership
( two OAPs / full-time students at same address )

You may download an Application and Standing Order Form from HERE


Contact Details for WGMA Officers/Trustees:

Please note that the post of Membership Secretary is currently vacant, but emails sent to membership@wgma.org.uk will still be picked up and fielded by the Trustees

Gillian Warson,
Richard Percival,
Honorary Treasurer
Heather Flockton,
Newsletter Editor
Mike Bailey,
Jacqueline Patten,
Membership Secretary

Data Control and Archivist
Pete John,
Mike Wilson-Smith
Information Technologist and Webmaster
Paul Guppy,

WGMA Trustees 2022



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