Singers’ Feasts
The Plymtree choir held their first singing feast on Wednesday, the 14th inst., about 40 sat down to dinner, including the Rector, and several Gentlemen and Yeoman of the parish. The dinner ended, the harmony began, and the whole village echoed with music for many hours, and all seemed very merry and happy, the hours rolled off in quick succession until the light of another day obliged them to break up a merry and most harmonious party.
The Clysthydon singing feast took place on Wednesday last, which was well attended; they were joined by some of their neighbours of the Plymtree choir. The dinner was a good old English one, and well served up; after which several toasts were drunk, success to the Plymtree choir being given, was acknowledged by the performer on the violoncello; the next was the ladies, which was neatly responded to by Mr.Baker, and the greatest conviviality prevailed throughout the evening.
from Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post or Plymouth & Cornish Advertiser, 29th Feb 1844
Ashburton Choir – Birth of a princess
Perhaps few country Church Choirs are more celebrated for the performance of anthem singing than this; and it is certain none can be more diligent in the general selection of Psalms appropriate to the seasons or circumstances and we need only refer our readers for example to the one chosen for Sunday evening, on the above auspicious event, only substituting “Queen” for “King” and “her” for “his” – Psalm 21st verse 1,2 5 & 6.
The psalm referred to, corrected as suggested would read:
1. The Queen shall rejoice in thy strength, O Lord; exceeding glad shall she be in thy salvation.
2. Thou hast given her her heart’s desire: and has not denied her the request of her lips.
5. Her honour is great in thy salvation: glory and great worship shalt thou lay upon her.
6. For thou shalt give her everlasting felicity: and make her glad with the joy of thy countenance.
from Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post or Plymouth & Cornish Advertiser, 26th Nov 1840
This cutting obviously alludes to the birth of Queen Victoria’s first child, also Victoria, born on 21st of that month.