West Gallery Favourites

The West Gallery Music Association


1. Gibraltar – W.J.White “Jesus Shall reign where’er the Sun” (Watts Psalm 72)
2. Cookfield – A.Adams? “All people that on earth do dwell” (Psalm 100 OV)
3. Birmingham – John Moore ms “Come ye that love the Lord” (Watts Bk2, H30)
4. Fish Street – Hampshire ms “To bless thy chosen race” (Psalm 67 NV)
5. Creation – Norwich Tune Book; Air: Haydn “The last full wain has come”
6. Wiltshire – Joseph Stephenson “Through all the changing scenes of life” (Psalm 34 NV)
7. Shepherds Arise – Dorset ms “Shepherds arise, be not afreaid”
8. Rejoice, ye tenants of the earth – (W.Gifford)
9. Come and Worship – ms book “Angels from the realms of glory”
10. Bright Angels – Dorset ms “Bright angels, whose melodious sound”
11. Nativity – Thomas Jarman “Mortals awake, with angels join”
12. Shepherds Rejoice – William Seal ms book “Shepherds, rejoice and send your fears away”
13. Lydia – Widecombe ms “How vast must their advantage be” (Psalm 133 NV)
14. Psalm 69 NV – Stephen Jarvis “Save me, O God, from waves that roll”
15. Psalm 23 OV – Thomas Clark “My shepherd is the living Lord”
16. Wigan – attrib.Thomas Firth “The Lord my shepherd is” (Watts Psalm 23)
17. St.Stephens – Widecombe ms “Thou turnest man, O Lord, to dust” (Psalm 90 NV)
18. “Shropshire” Funeral Hymn – Shropshire ms “Weep not for me, you standers by”
19. The Dying Christian to his Soul – Edward Harwood “Vital spark of heavenly flame” (Alexander Pope)
20. Spanking Roger – James Nuttall “Salvation, O the joyful sound” (Watts Bk2, H88)
21. Cambridge New – John Randall “Why doth the man of riches grow” (Watts Psalm 49
22. Sagina – Thomas Campbell “And can it be” (Charles Wesley)
23. Otford – Michael Beesley “O God, our Lord, how wonderful” (Psalm 8 OV)

Listen to some extracts from the CD:
Birmingham – 382 Kb (25 secs)
Shepherds Rejoice – 580 Kb (37 secs)
Otford – 473 Kb (30 secs)

The CD costs £9, (£5 to members) excluding P&P. Copies may be purchased via Charlotte Bailey. Contact via email charlotte.bailey3@btinternet.com or phone 01962 713392. Postage/overseas shipping costs will be supplied on application and will be dependent on the number of copies required.

Paying with Paypal
Should you wish to pay by Paypal, please send an email with the number of copies required and relevant details to Charlotte and she will invoice you.