Round the Year with the Village Quire

Purbeck Village Quire

(PVQ 001)

1. Folksong: Seasons of the Year
2. Come let us anew our journey pursue
3. Ps 16NV: My lot is fallen in that blest land
4. Lent: Ps 51NV: Have mercy Lord on me
5. Good Friday: My God, why leav’st thou me?
6. Easter: Jesus Christ is risen today
7. Easter: I know that my redeemer lives
8. Folksong: Bushes and Briars
9. Ascension Day: Lift high your heads eternal gates
10.Whit Sunday: Great was the day
11.Poem: Whitsuntide an’ Club walkin’ by William Barnes
12.Band music: Dorsetshire March and The Hythe March
13.Haymaking – Folksong: One man shall mow my meadow
14.Baptisms: O happy day that fixed my choice
15.Weddings: Since Jesus freely did appear
16.Funerals: Ps 90 – Thou turnest man, O Lord, to dust
17.The spring, great God, at thy command
18.Harvest: This is the field, the world below
19.Harvest Home: The last full wain has come
20.Harvest Grace: Blessing to God, forever blest
21.Folksong: Farmer’s toast
22.Band music – Jig: New rigged ship
23.Advent: Come, thou long-expected Jesus
24.Christmas: See a star from Jacob rising
25.Christmas: The Prince of Life

Listen to some tracks from the CD
Ps 51NV: Have mercy Lord on me 569Kb (36secs)
Baptisms: O happy day that fixed my choice 584Kb (37secs)
Harvest Home: The last full wain has come 797Kb 51secs

The CD can be obtained by sending a cheque for £7.00, made out to ‘Purbeck Village Quire’, to Robin Plowman, 14 Richmond Road, Swanage, Dorset BH19 2PZ. email