Some useful links and indexes for researchers of West Gallery Music are given below.
- RĂ©pertoire International des Sources Musicales – an online database recording the existence, location and contents of printed books and manuscripts up to about 1850.
- Index of Hampshire Carols collected by George Gardiner in the early 1900s – part of ongoing research.
Researchers’ Register of Interests
Below is a list of people who are actively researching aspects of West Gallery Music. It’s fairly short at present but will grow over time.
If you have any questions to ask or have information relevant to their particular interests to share, please feel free to contact them by email. You might also wish to leave a comment on the Discussion Forum – link at the top of the page.
Paul Gailiunas – email
- Choirs in the North-East (mainly Northumberland and Durham) and their music c.1700-1850.
- Processes of cultural transmission, especially musical connections with the US.
Edmund Gooch – email
- Choirs, galleries etc. in Devon
- West Gallery music in Devon and the South-West, especially Joseph Stephenson and Devon composers.
Paul Guppy – email
- All aspects of West Gallery Music in North Lancashire (ie north of the Ribble valley) and Cumbria.
- I’m also interested in Dorset composers (Knapp, Stephenson, the Wakelys, etc).
Tam Mucklow – email
- West galleries in Devon, their locations and any evidence of choirs, instruments, or details of music used.
- Composers and compilers from Devon.
- Research towards current west gallery activities in Devon.
David Owen Norris – email
- Composers: Thomas Oldfeld Bartlett, William Knapp
- Music from Dorset & Northamptonshire
Jacqueline Patten – email
- Local carols, particularly South West England.
Francis Roads – email
Editing and publishing on my website West Gallery music from printed sources, mostly from the BL. Over 300 pieces are currently available. In particular I have published collections of:
- Michael Beesly’s A Collection of 20 New Psalm Tunes (Oxford 1746)
- John Bishop’s anthems
- Phocion Henley’s hymns
- Joseph Key’s chanting tunes
- Henry Playford’s three-part anthems
- William Pickard-Cambridge’s carols
- Three-part settings (still seeking more)
- Knapp’s Anthems for Christmas Day (London 1744)
I have an interest in West Gallery music on the Isle of Man (the subject of my PhD thesis).
Tony Singleton – email
- West Gallery music performed in Kent, E.Sussex, E.Surrey
- Composers/compilers of WG music who lived in Kent, eg:
- Adams, Barwick, Clark, Evison, Marsh, Tolhurst (full list here) and neighbouring counties.
- Operation of church choirs, including purchase of music, instruments, etc,; singing masters
- Publishing (via the internet) material related to the above.