Ordered by date of advertisement
NOTE: These may not be the first times these collections were published.
Title | Composer/Compiler | Source and date |
Church Harmony | Joseph Stephenson | Whitehall Evening Post or London Intelligencer 20th June 1758 |
Sacred Concerto or The Voice of Melody | Benjamin West, Northampton | London Chronicle, 22nd Jan 1761 |
A Collection of Psalm Tunes | Caleb Ashworth | Public Advertiser, 6th August 1761 |
A Collection of Psalm Tunes 4th Edition | Stephen Addington | Gazetter and New Daily Advertiser, 25th October 1783 |
A Collection of Psalm Tunes | Mr.Riley | Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser, 23 April 1785 |
A Collection of Psalm Tunes 7th Edition | Stephen Addington | St.James’s Chronicle or The British Evening Post 5 April 1788 |
Smith’s Collection of Psalm Tunes, Anthems, etc, | General Evening Post, 17 February 1789 | |
A Collection of New Psalm Tunes and other works | John Marsh | General Evening Post, 24 June 1790 |
Eighteen Voluntaries for the Organ, and other works, | John Marsh | General Evening Post, 19 June 1791 |
An Anthem, two Voluntaries and 38 Psalm Tunes | William Howgill, Whitehaven | The Star,24 March 1800 |
The Psalms of David | Ralph Guest, Bury St.Edmunds | Ipswich Journal, 27 June 1807 |
Psalm Tunes | William(?) Clifford | Leeds Mercury, 18 May 1811 |
A Set of Psalm Tunes in Score | John Tanner, Chudleigh, Devon | Trewman’s Exeter Flying Post or Plymouth & Cornish Advertiser, 3 August 1820 |
Harp of Jubal | T.Purday | Hull Packet, 21 May 1841 |
Songs of Zion or Wesleyan Harmonist | T.Purday | Hull Packet, 21 May 1841 |
Stanley’s Psalm & Hymn Tunes, vol.1 | Hull Packet, 21 May 1841 | |
The Universal Psalmodist | E.J.Westrop | Hull Packet, 21 May 1841 |
Webb’s Sacred Harmonist | Hull Packet, 21 May 1841 |