A Cheerful Noise

London Gallery Quire

Hymns, Psalms, Anthems, and Carols of Georgian England


1. Hark, hear you not a cheerful noise? – Carol for 1838
2. While shepherds watched their flocks by night – Leicester by William Knapp
3. When I pour out my soul in prayer – by Thomas White
4. The Lord will happiness divine – by Kathryn Rose
5. Deep in our hearts let us record – Bishley, anon.
6. Christ, the Lord, is risen today – Tottenham, anon.
7. Since Christ our Passover, is slain – Auspicious, anon.
8. O come hither; and behold the works of the Lord – Anthem by Francis Roads
9. O all ye people, clap your hands – Bromley by John Broderip
10. Come, Holy Spirit, raise our songs – Peru by James Leach
11. When the Lord turneth again the captivity of Sion – by William Knapp
12 This is the field, the world below – The Harvest by Thomas Clark
13. If the Lord himself had not been on our side – anon.
14. As pants the hart for cooling streams – anon.
15. To God, in whom I trust – Mount Ephraim by Benjamin Milgrove
16. How beautiful upon the mountains – Robert Smith
17. Lo! He comes, with clouds descending – Calcutta by Thomas Clark
18. This is the truth sent from above – Hereford Carol, anon.
19. Lo! unto us a child is born – St Davids, anon.
20. Hark! the herald angels sing – Newton, anon.

Listen to some tracks from the CD:
Hark, hear you not a cheerful noise?
Deep in our hearts let us record
How beautiful upon the mountains

This CD has been released to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Quire by Francis Roads.

The CD costs £10 (+ £2 for p&p). To obtain a copy please contact Jo by email

Visit London Gallery Quire’s Website