Details of and the booking form for the 2023 WGMA Autumn Singing Weekend have been added on a dedicated webpage accessed via the Calendar.
The Trustees Annual Report (TAR) for 2022 has been added to the About Us page on the website and will be reviewed at the AGM. The 2022 Accounts will follow shortly.
Annual General Meeting of the West Gallery Music Association, Registered Charity number 1171664 Our 2022 AGM was held in May during a weekend event, and the trustees’ intention had been to convene the 2023 meeting under similar arrangements. Planning for a May event this year in the Southampton area having proved impracticable it was then decided that holding the meeting during the Sidmouth Folk Festival would offer the best opportunity for the greatest number of members to attend, with least inconvenience. This also satisfies the obligation under the constitution that General Meetings be held within 15 months of the previous meeting. Accordingly, the AGM will be held in the Methodist Church in Sidmouth on Saturday 5th August at 16.00 following the concert performance by the Weatherbury Quire.
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